Currency support in LibrePlan
We’re getting close to the release of LibrePlan 1.3, and as you can see in the rodamap to LibrePlan 1.3 and also in the last revision, one of the features to be included in this new major version will be:
Include the management and support of a currency to apply to the project: Now all the reports are in euros. Internationalization must be included to allow to configure the currency used and the symbols to use.
Some weeks ago, we in Igalia have been working in develop this new feature, that you can already test in LibrePlan unstable demo.
From the user point of view, these are the new bits:
New option in configuration screen to choose the currency symbol to be used into LibrePlan.
New currency option in configuration window
In the different places where money is managed, you’ll always see the currency symbol together with the value. For example, in the budget column of the WBS.
WBS view using configured currency symbol
From the developer point of view, now there’re some new methods in class org.libreplan.web.common.Util that should be used to manage money values:
- getCurrencySymbol(): Returns the currency symbol from LibrePlan configuration.
- addCurrencySymbol(BigDecimal): Returns a String with the currency symbol attached to the value.
- getMoneyFormat(): Returns the format with the currency symbol to be used in a Decimalbox when it manages money.
As usual, if you’re interested you can find more information about the analysis and development of this task in the project wiki.
In Igalia we keep pushing for LibrePlan and we’re already working in one important feature that will be included in LibrePlan 1.3. I’m talking about the feature to bind users with resources, requested by lot of people, that will improve the way how worked hours are reported (but it deserves its own blog post ;-)).
As a side note, I’d like to talk about the last LibrePlan release. In LibrePlan 1.2.4 again we added support for a new language, this time it was Czech thanks to the work done by Zbyněk Schwarz: “Vítejte Češi!” :-)
Transifex is working really fine to manage all these translations and also to receive new translations. For example, Slovak and German translations has already been started and should eventually join the list of supported languages, currently: Czech, Dutch, English, French, Galician, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese and Russian.
Thanks to all our translators for their work!