Acrobat Reader and the decimal comma problem

When printing a PDF file, Acrobat Reader creates a Postscript and sends it to the printer spooler (or, optionally to a file). Nothing new here, as it’s a common way for Unix programs to print files.

However, I found that under certain circumstances the Postscript file was corrupt: it could not be printed or opened with Ghostscript, because it showed instead an “undefined command” error.

Looking deeper into the problem I found that the corrupt file had its decimal numbers separated by a comma instead of a dot. The comma is the decimal separator in many locales, but decimal numbers in Postscript files must be separated by a dot.

Investigating a bit more I found that this problem shows when the Postscript file uses vector primitives, and that’s why the problem appears to occur randomly.

So the problem is that Acrobat Reader relies incorrectly on the locale settings to create a Postscript file. This should be a trivial bug to fix, but as Acrobat Reader is closed software you have to live with it if you want to use this software (fortunately free PDF readers are constantly improving).

There’s a quick workaround, however. As /usr/bin/acroread is really a shell script that lauches the real binary, you can add a export LC_NUMERIC=C at the beginning of the file and solve the problem. This bug is already fixed in some unofficial Debian packages.

Hope it helps.

User-mode Linux and skas0

User-mode Linux (UML) is a port of Linux to its own system call interface. In short, it’s a system that allows to run Linux inside Linux.

UML is integrated in the standard Linux tree, so it’s possible to compile an UML kernel from any recent kernel sources (using ‘make ARCH=um‘).

Traditionally, UML had a working mode which was both slow and insecure, as each process inside the UML had write access to the kernel data. This mode is known as Tracing Thread (tt mode).

A new mode was added in order to solve those issues. It was called skas (for Separate Kernel Address Space). Now the UML kernel was totally inaccessible to UML processes, resulting in a far more secure environment. In skas mode the system ran noticeably faster too.

To enable skas mode the host kernel had to be patched. As of September 2006, the latest version of the patch is called skas3. The patch is small but hasn’t been merged in the standard Linux tree. The official UML site has a page about skas mode that explains all these issues more thoroughly.

However, by July 2005 a new mode was added to UML in Linux 2.6.13 called skas0 (which, for some reason, isn’t explained in the above page). This new mode is very close to skas3: it provides the same security model and most of its speed gains. The main difference is that you don’t need to patch the host kernel, so you can use a skas-enabled UML in your Linux system without having to mess with the host kernel. The patch is explained in the 2.6.13 changelog or in this article.

A skas0-enabled kernel boots like this:

Checking that ptrace can change system call numbers...OK
Checking syscall emulation patch for ptrace...OK
Checking advanced syscall emulation patch for ptrace...OK
Checking for tmpfs mount on /dev/shm...OK
Checking PROT_EXEC mmap in /dev/shm/...OK
Checking for the skas3 patch in the host:
  - /proc/mm...not found  
  - PTRACE_FAULTINFO...not found
  - PTRACE_LDT...not found
UML running in SKAS0 mode 

mpg123 is back!

After several years of halted development, the classical mp3 player mpg123 is back. Original author Michael Hipp stopped working on it around year 2000, but now Thomas Orgis has continued its development and finally the first beta releases from the new version are out!

mpg123 was one of the first mp3 players for Unix systems, and it was famous for its low CPU requirements. Even nowadays it’s probably the most resource-efficient mp3 player available. The core of mpg123 was also used for mp3 decoding in many other programs, such as XMMS.

Last but not least, mpg123 is licensed under the LGPL. This is good news, since older versions of this software had a non-free open-source license (well, this is actually not news as the license changed some years ago during the development hiatus, but AFAIK this is the first version released as free software).

It’s good to see old friends back again 😉

Won’t you miss me?

Syd Barrett

It’s awfully considerate of you to think of me here
And I’m most obliged to you for making it clear
That I’m not here

And I never knew the moon could be so big
And I never knew the moon could be so blue
And I’m grateful that you threw away my old shoes
And brought me here instead dressed in red

And I’m wondering who could be writing this song

I don’t care if the sun don’t shine
And I don’t care if nothing is mine
And I don’t care if I’m nervous with you
I’ll do my loving in the Winter

And the sea isn’t green
And I love the Queen
And what exactly is a dream?
And what exactly is a joke?

Syd Barrett (06/Jan/1946 – 07/Jul/2006)

Metal Machine Music

Este sábado 24 o programa Extrarradio da Radio Galega foi gravado ao lado da praia de Riazor. Entre os convidados ao programa estivo Pulpiño Viascón, participante no concurso A Polo Ghit.

Ademais de falar um pouco da sua carreira, Pulpiño mostrou as suas habilidades musicais interpretando diante de todos nós várias conhecidas melodias usando como instrumento um serrucho.

A lista das obras que interpretou:

  • O tema principal de Star Wars
  • Love Me Tender
  • O Sole Mio
  • Negra Sombra

Aqui podemos escoitar o mini-concerto completo.

E aqui temos a Pulpiño durante o recital:

Pulpiño a tocar o instrumento

Astro da bola

Como sabedes os que me conhecedes, no mundial de futebol este eu tenho bastante pouco interesse.

O que é mais divertido é ver as apostas que fai todo o mundo… que se Espanha chega à semifinal, que se vai ganhar seguro… e afinal nunca nada 😉

É por isto que me divirte mais ver quem se toma isto do mundial com outra filosofia: A Capital do Móvel de Paços de Ferreira devolve todo o dinheiro das compras aos que comprem durante as semanas prévias ao mundial se Portugal ganha!

Pode-se escoitar aqui o anúncio na Radio Galega.

An effervescing elephant …

Open source software keeps going strong! Elephants Dream is a short film (about 11 min.) made with open source software and freely available for everyone!

Elephants Dream is the world’s first open movie, made entirely with open source graphics software such as Blender, and with all production files freely available to use however you please, under a Creative Commons license.

Congratulations to all the authors!!

Here comes the summer!

Onde se nota que vai chegando a temporada estival é (entre outras muitas cousas) nos concertos e festivais de música.

Nas próximas semanas/meses teremos por aqui perto a artistas como por exemplo Morrissey, os Yeah Yeah Yeahs ou Kiko Veneno.

Esta semana vamos abrindo boca: o Festival do Norte 2006 (Vilagarcia de Arousa), com conhecidos convidados internacionais como The Divine Comedy ou os clássicos Echo & The Bunnymen.

Além disto, no Festival Sinsal (Vigo) actuará esta mesma semana o duo finês de electrónica experimental Pan Sonic.