ReadableStream almost ready

Hello dear readers! Long time no see! You might thing that I have been lazy, and I was in blog posting but I was coding like mad.

First remarkable thing is that I attended the WebKit Contributors Meeting that happened in March at Apple campus in Cupertino as part of the Igalia gang. There we discussed of course about Streams API, its state and different implementation possibilities. Another very interesting point which would make me very happy would be the movement of Mac to CMake.

In a previous post I already introduced the concepts of the Streams API and some of its possible use cases so I’ll save you that part now. The news is that ReadableStream has its basic funcionality complete. And what does it mean? It means that you can create a ReadableStream by providing the constructor with the underlying source and the strategy objects and read from it with its reader and all the internal mechanisms of backpresure and so on will work according to the spec. Yay!

Nevertheless, there’s still quite some work to do to complete the implementation of Streams API, like the implementation of byte streams, writable and transform streams, piping operations and built-in strategies (which is what I am on right now).I don’t know either when Streams API will be activated by default in the next builds of Safari, WebKitGTK+ or WebKit for Wayland, but we’ll make it at some point!

Code suffered already lots of changes because we were still figuring out which architecture was the best and Youenn did an awesome job in refactoring some things and providing support for promises in the bindings to make the implementation of ReadableStream more straitghforward and less “custom”.

Implementation could still suffer quite some important changes as, as part of my work implementing the strategies, some reviewers raised their concerns of having Streams API implemented inside WebCore in terms of IDL interfaces. I have already a proof of concept of CountQueuingStrategy and ByteLengthQueuingStrategy implemented inside JavaScriptCore, even a case where we use built-in JavaScript functions, which might help to keep closer to the spec if we can just include JavaScript code directly. We’ll see how we end up!

Last and not least I would like to thank Igalia for sponsoring me to attend the WebKit Contributors Meeting in Cupertino and also Adenilson for being so nice and taking us to very nice places for dinner and drinks that we wouldn’t be able to find ourselves (I owe you, promise to return the favor at the Web Engines Hackfest). It was also really nice to have the oportunity of quickly visiting New York City for some hours because of the long connection there which usually would be a PITA, but it was very enjoyable this time.

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