Pandaboard - Chapter One
Finally, the last Friday the Pandaboard arrived to the office. Thanks to all the guy in TI who generously decided to give me one, specially to Jayabharath Goluguri and Rob Clark.
grilo network library
Well, after almost a month of sketching out and playing with the grilo network library, finally I pushed it into the official repository.
Thanks to my employer, Igalia, this GUADEC was my third attendance to the conference in a row. You can see my previous impressions about the first one in Istanbul and the next in Canarias. This year the conference took place in Den Haag, Netherlands.
dsp-exec landed on dsp-tools
In the DSP bridge realm, usually when the kernel module is loaded, it in turn loads the so called DSP base image, which is a file what encompass the DSP/BIOS kernel and the DSP/BIOS Bridge.