Using pre-commit in GStreamer
Recently, GStreamer development story integrated the usage of pre-commit.
Igalia Multimedia achievements (2024)
As 2024 draws to a close, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the year’s accomplishments done by the Multimedia team in Igalia. In our consideration, there were three major achievements:
GStreamer Conference 2024
Early this month I spent a couple weeks in Montreal, visiting the city, but mostly to attend the GStreamer Conference and the following hackfest, which happened to be co-located with the XDC Conference. It was my first time in Canada and I utterly enjoyed it. Thanks to all those from the GStreamer community that organized and attended the event.
GStreamer Vulkan Operation API
Two weeks ago the GStreamer Spring Hackfest took place in Thessaloniki, Greece. I had a great time. I hacked a bit on VA, Vulkan and my toy, planet-rs, but mostly I ate delicious Greek food ☻. A big thanks to our hosts: Vivia, Jordan and Sebastian!
GStreamer Hackfest 2024
Last weeks were a bit hectic. First, with a couple friends we biked the southwest of the Netherlands for almost a week. The next week, the last one, I attended the 2024 Display Next Hackfest