Iago did a good introduction about Grilo some days ago. As he told, source code is kept in Gitorious, and we welcome any feedback, patches or plugins. Take in account that this is a starting work, so probably lot of changes might happen.
Code is right now split in two repositories: grilo, which contains the core framework, and grilo-plugins, which contains a set of plugins ready to be used. Right now, we have plugins that can access local filesytem, uPnP servers, Flickr, Jamendo, and YouTube. Also, there is also a plugin to deal with podcasts, another one that is used to get cover arts from Last.FM, and finally a “fake” source used to do some tests.
Also, in order to help people to try Grilo, we have packaged it. There is a
branch named debian
, both in grilo
and grilo-plugins repositories, that contains a recent version
of Grilo: just build the packages and you can play with Grilo. We will try keep
always the last version of code.
As plugins have some requirements, it could be that your Debian/Ubuntu
distribution can not satisfy those requirements. Thus, we have created specific
branches for this distributions. If you
Debian Lenny (stable), Debian Sid (unstable)
or Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04), use the appropriate branches when
creating the packages. Take in account that these branches just get rid of
plugins that can not be built due to lack of requirements. As Grilo is a live
code, might be in future fixes can be committed so they can be built in that
distribution. In this case, we will get rid of that branch and people will use
the debian