Back in 2009 I had the chance to attend the european edition of the Javascript Conference for the first time. It was a nice and intense learning experience (it runs only for two fully packed days). This event is the counterpart of the US edition however it gathers a wide and heterogeneous Javascript community from around the world and not just Europe.
And guess what, after missing my ticket last year, I’m attending again this year’s edition sponsored by igalia. I will be giving a talk titled “Javascript, the GNOME way” in which I will discuss the relationship between GNOME 3 and Javascript, the technologies behind it and how to get started writing JS in the “GNOME way”. My goals with this presentation are 1) to communicate to the wider Javascript audience about the awesomeness of using the GNOME libraries in JS and 2) to try bridging the two communities in subjects that matters to both, to ultimately foster collaboration and alignment between them.
I’m sure this year edition will be as cool as the others, and I look forward to absorb again all that knowledge, ideas, enthusiasm and yeah, the Berlin’s autumn breeze too.
See you there.