Women, Computer Science and Free Software

I’ve been quite interested lately in the topic, and decided to post here a collection of related documents and links:

Guadec-es 2005: tons of work and 6 weeks to go

We have been very busy in the last days organizing the II Guadec-es, that will take place already in six weeks time.

In the Program Committee, we are now on the process of reviewing all the contributions, with the main goal of enriching the quality of the
final version of the papers, that will be published in the conference proceedings. We are using OpenConf for managing all the process, and in my opinion that was a very good decission because coordination is less difficult this way.

In the Organizing Committee, the search for sponsors is finally coming to the end. We have also prepared accommodation and travel information for the web page, and are working in the infrastructure for having power and wireless connection for the people attending to the talks, we are contacting people for invited talks, and a lot of other thousands of small bureaucratic tasks.

By the end of the next week we should notify the acceptance of the papers to all the people that have submitted a contribution, and publish the preliminary program for the three days, which I can already advance that it is going to be very interesting! After that, the registration will be open for everyone wanting to enjoy the conference.

Who had said that organizing a conference was easy? 😉

Linus and BitKeeper: the end of a dangerous relationship

Nobody should be surprised. Proprietary software works this way: the power is always in the developer, who decides who, when and how can a given program be used. While the developer is friendly, the software is available under some conditions, but at some point, this can stop.

And the main milestones of the story were as follows:

  • December 1999: Linux PowerPC project starts using BitKeeper, a proprietary SCM tool with a friendly license for Free(dom) Software projects.
  • February 2002: Linus starts using BitKeeper for Linux development.
  • During several months of 2002, there were a lot of discussions on the topic. Most of them are described in detail at Kerneltrap: Feb 14, March 7, October 5.
  • 2002-03-07: Linus said: “If Larry turns to the dark side (or, as some would say, the “even darker side” 😉 we’re _still_ ok. The data isn’t going anywhere, he can’t close that down. We’d just have to export it into a new format. If worst comes to worst, and nobody has fixed CVS/subversion/whatever by then, I can even just go back to how I used to work. Nothing lost. And I personally refuse to use inferior tools because of ideology. In fact, I will go as far as saying that making excuses for bad tools due to ideology is _stupid_, and people who do that think with their gonads, not their brains. ”
  • 2002-03-20: Linus added: “Quite frankly, I don’t _want_ people using Linux for ideological reasons. I think ideology sucks. This world would be a much better place if people had less ideology, and a whole lot more “I do this because it’s FUN and because others might find it useful, not because I got religion”. Would I prefer to use a tool that didn’t have any restrictions on it for kernel maintenance? Yes. But since no such tool exists, and since I’m personally not very interested in writing one, _and_ since I don’t have any hangups about using the right tool for the job, I use BitKeeper.”
  • 2002-05-21: Stallman said: “Linux, the kernel, is often thought of as the flagship of free software, yet its current version is partially non-free. How did this happen? This problem, like the decision to use BitKeeper, reflects the attitude of the
    original developer of Linux, a person who thinks that “technically better” is more important than freedom. Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history. Don’t bother us with politics, respond those who don’t want to learn.”

  • During 3 years, a lot of people talked about the subject, some of them agreeing with Linus “just for fun” approach, and others denouncing the problems this pragmatic (in short term) approach has for the goals for the Free Software Movement.
  • 2005-04-05: Bitmover announces that stops providing Open Source version of BitKeeper (a.k.a. Larry turns to the dark side).
  • 2005-04-06: Linus Torvalds announces he stops using BitKeeper for Linux development: he is going to look into the alternatives, specially into the until now quite unknown Monotone.
  • 2005-04-07: The topic reaches the main sites, like Kerneltrap, or Slashdot, and discussion starts again.

Would have been better to slow down a bit the kernel development, which was according to Linus increased with BitKeeper, using the available free software tools? Or was it better to promote indirectly a proprietary program and to speed up the development until the moment we have arrived now to: the point where the proprietary company feels they don’t need the kernel any more and want to “fly alone” without offering the “open source friendly” version?

I’m closer to Stallman than to Linus, as most of the time. That’s why I talk about Free(dom) Software instead of Open Source. That’s why I *also* like to take into account the social dimension of software. That’s why I think it would have been better not to use BitKeeper for Linux development.

Concerts: Carlos Chaouen


Yesterday we went to see Carlos Chaouen playing live in a very small theater close to our place. It was a nice concert, with about 100-150 people attending, where Carlos, one of the classical cantautores in the coffee places of Madrid, played most of the songs of his last album, and also some of the best known ones, like “No me canso”, which is now famous here because of the terrible version performed by the former Mecano singer, Ana Torroja, in her last album.

Ilha das flores

Today, almost 10 years after the first time, I have just seen again lha das flores (“Flower Island”), a shocking, 13 minutes long, brazilian short film.

It can be seen at PortaCurtas in original version (brasilian portuguese). It’s low quality, but if you have never seen it, stop doing wathever you are doing, take 13 minutes of your precious time, and learn more about capitalism with the awarded work directed by Jorge Furtado.

Audioscrobbler and MusicBrainz

I’ve been playing during the last week with these two very cool projects.

Audioscrobbler keeps a database with the music profiles of the registered users, based in the messages sent by plugins of the media players (there are plugins for a long list of players) when the users plays a song. Based on this, Audioscrobbler creates statistics, generates recommendations, and creates a network of people where the connections depend on the musical taste.

MusicBrainz is a music metadatabase with information about the names of the artists, the names of their albums and the concrete list of tracks included in each of the albums. But the very interesting concept is that the keys in the database are based on the physical characteristics of the audio CD, or the MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files. Any music player, using the provided API, can obtain metainformation on a concrete song, and use it for tagging. And it works!