Guadec-es 2005: tons of work and 6 weeks to go

We have been very busy in the last days organizing the II Guadec-es, that will take place already in six weeks time.

In the Program Committee, we are now on the process of reviewing all the contributions, with the main goal of enriching the quality of the
final version of the papers, that will be published in the conference proceedings. We are using OpenConf for managing all the process, and in my opinion that was a very good decission because coordination is less difficult this way.

In the Organizing Committee, the search for sponsors is finally coming to the end. We have also prepared accommodation and travel information for the web page, and are working in the infrastructure for having power and wireless connection for the people attending to the talks, we are contacting people for invited talks, and a lot of other thousands of small bureaucratic tasks.

By the end of the next week we should notify the acceptance of the papers to all the people that have submitted a contribution, and publish the preliminary program for the three days, which I can already advance that it is going to be very interesting! After that, the registration will be open for everyone wanting to enjoy the conference.

Who had said that organizing a conference was easy? 😉

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