Words from the Inside
Uninteresting things from an uninteresting developer
Scrolling with TrackPoint
If you’re using a TrackPoint as your favourite mouse, probably you configured it to allow scrolling with the help of middle button. If not, I suggest to take a look at ThinkWiki.
QEmu-Arm in text mode
Are you using Debian for Arm through QEmu? If so, and you want to use it in text mode (useful, for example, to use it outside a graphical window), the key is the special terminal ttyAMA0.
Ubuntu and Scratchbox: singing duets
Recently Igalia gave me a new laptop, a Lenovo “The Beast & The Best” Thinkpad, for everyday work. I decided to install Ubuntu Hardy Heron 64bits, as I had never worked with such operating system, and I am eager to learn benefits and drawbacks of working on a 64bits OS.
Defun in Emacs
If you are an Emacs fan, you may have notice a lot of cool changes from Emacs21 to Emacs22. One of those changes is related to defuns. A defun is simply a function definition. But, what is actually a ‘function definition’? Until Emacs21, a function definition is the code that...
The Three Musketeers in WebKit
Some time ago I began to look at WebKit, the render engine used in Safari and ported to other platforms, like our favourite, Gtk. Some of the issues it takes to me understand is the design of WebKit, mainly the differences between WebCore and WebKit.