I’m a proud igalian since 2007. Working on this cool company occupies most of my time. Besides it, when I have some spare time I like listeing music (well, actually I listen music everytime) and watching movies and TV series, specially sci-fi ones.

During a lot of years I’ve played bandurria. Though I haven’t touch it since a lot of time, I think that it is something you never forget. Now, my passion is the piano. Never got lessons, so I’m mostly a self-taught person that tries to learn some songs that I love, mainly from Ludovico Einaudi. But time is limited, so i do as much as I can do.

If you want to watch some of my talks here is a list of them.

My PGP Key: A5CC 9FEC 93F2 F837 CB04 4912 3369 09B6 B25F ADFA


Words from the Inside

Uninteresting things from an uninteresting developer

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