Network namespaces

Linux namespaces are a relatively new kernel feature which is essential for implementation of containers. A namespace wraps a global system resource into an abstraction which will be bound only to processes within the namespace, providing resource isolation. In this article I discuss network namespace and show a practical example.

IPv6 tunnel

To most of those users which their ISP do not offer IPv6 connectivity, the IPv6 Internet is unknown land. However, free tunnel broker services such as Hurricane Electric can bridge an IPv4 connection with the IPv6 Internet.

Architecture of the Web Inspector

The Web Inspector is WebKit's friendly tool for seeing what's inside of a web page. A fundamental tool for any web developer. The Web Inspector itself is nothing but a web application too. In this post, I review its history, architecture and main features.

Reusing LuaJIT's disassembler

LuaJIT 2.1 includes new features such as a statistical profiler and a code dumper. The latter has the ability of printing out the machine code of each compiled trace. This is possible thanks to a collection of disassemblers that are part of LuaJIT's source code.

Multicore architectures and CPU affinity

What I learned after catching up with the latest 10 years of microprocessor innovation