Dive into Lightweight 4over6

Lightweight 4over6 is a new IETF proposed standard that seeks to facilitate the deployment IPv6 networks, while still providing IPv4 connectivity. It also greatly helps to mitigate IPv4 public address exhaustion. Everything runs on IPv6.

IPv6 deployment status and transition technologies

Since 2010, IPv6 connectivity worldwide has kept growing at good pace, sometimes even doubling yearly. However, there are countries where IPv6 hasn't been rolled out yet. What's pending to be done? What are the challenges ahead before a full transition is completed?

A brief history of IPv4 address space exhaustion

One day we will run out of IPv4 addresses. Probably it's not the first time you heard that. In this post I review the history of IPv4 address depletion, which to some extent is the same as reviewing the history of the Internet

Fosdem 2017

After missing last year's edition, I attended Fosdem again. It was a lot of fun, it didn't disappoint me. Not even a bit. In this post, I review most of the talks from the SDN/NFV track

Network namespaces: IPv6 connectivity

Taking advantage of the work done in the last two posts, I explain in this new article how to share IPv6 connectivity between a host and a network namespace