I'm back
First, hello to planet.gnome.org! Thanks to jdub for making it possible. Briefly, I’m working at igalia as a member of the Gnome technologies team, and currently I’m devoted to continuous integration and testing tasks under the umbrella of the Build brigade group. Hackergotchie is comming up, stay tuned.
Back from holidays. Some notes:
- I’ve been for nearly a week in Portugal (Lisbon, Fatima, Castelo Branco, Alto Douro, Viana do Castelo, …). Very nice country… and food.
- Nearly one month of relax far away from a computer in Vigo. I did some local tourism there (visited Gondomar, Mondariz, Villasobroso, A Cañiza, and some nice places in Vigo like Monte Alba, or the boat restaurant in the harbour).
- The worst thing was the terrible forest fire wave in Galicia. In Vigo I couldn’t even see the sun for a week, as all the sky was covered by a dense smoke cloud (photos in flicker Vigo Harbour, Rande Bridge).
But now I’m back. These days I’ll try to go on with the efforts around Buildbot and jhbuild integration:
- I’ve got Buildbot running with jhbuild, as I told in my last post.
- Buildbot is not designed for this use, and it’s a problem because I want to provide better aggregated views (build status of a slave, last builds of a module, information about an specific module, etc). I’ll try to improve a bit these views.
- I need better unit test support in buildbot (specifically I would like to integrate coverage reports as Thomas has done in gstreamer buildbot, and better unit tests log reports).
- Previous: Jhbuild + buildbot
- Next: GCov tests with gcc 4.x