Understanding Chromium’s runtime ozone platform selection


For the context of this post, it is assumed a ‘content_shell’ ChromeOS GN build produced with the following commands:

$ gn gen --args='target_os="chromeos"
                 ozone_auto_platforms=false' out-gn-ozone

$ ninja -C out-gn-ozone blink_tests

Ozone at runtime

Looking at the build arguments above, one can foresee that the content_shell app will be able to run on the following Graphics backends: Wayland (no EGL), X11, and “headless” – and it indeed is. This happens thanks to Chromium’s Graphics layer abstraction, Ozone.

So, in order to run content_shell app on Ozone platform “bleh”, one simply does:

$ out-gn-ozone/content_shell --ozone-platform="bleh"

Simple no? Well, yes .. and not as much.

The way the desired Ozone platform classes/objects are instantiated is interesting, involving c++ templates, GYP/GN hooks, python generated code, and more. This post aims to detail the process some more.

Ozone platform selection logic

Two methods kick off OzonePlatform instantiation: ::InitializeForUI and ::InitializeForGPU . They both call ::CreateInstance(), which is our starting point.

This is how simple it looks:

63 void OzonePlatform::CreateInstance() {
64     if (!instance_) {
69         std::unique_ptr<OzonePlatform> platform =
70             PlatformObject<OzonePlatform>::Create();
72         // TODO(spang): Currently need to leak this object.
73         OzonePlatform* pl = platform.release();
74         DCHECK_EQ(instance_, pl);
75     }
76 }

Essentially, when PlatformObject<T>::Create is ran (lines 69 and 70), it ends up calling a method named Create{T}Bleh, where

  • “T” is the template argument name, e.g. “OzonePlatform”.
  • “bleh” is the value passed to –ozone-platform command line parameter.

For instance, in the case of ./content_shell –ozone-platform=x11, the method called would CreateOzonePlatformX11, following the pattern Create{T}Bleh (i.e. “Create”+”OzonePlatform”+”X11”).

The actual logic

In order to understand how PlatformObject class works, lets start by looking at its definition (ui/ozone/platform_object.h & platform_internal_object.h):

template <class T> class PlatformObject {
  static std::unique_ptr<T> Create();
16 template <class T>
17 std::unique_ptr<T> PlatformObject<T>::Create() {
18     typedef typename PlatformConstructorList<T>::Constructor Constructor;
20     // Determine selected platform (from --ozone-platform flag, or default).
21     int platform = GetOzonePlatformId();
23     // Look up the constructor in the constructor list.
24     Constructor constructor = PlatformConstructorList<T>::kConstructors[platform];
26     // Call the constructor.
27     return base::WrapUnique(constructor());
28 }

In line 24 (highlighted above), the ozone platform runtime selection machinery actually happens. It retrieves a Constructor, which is a typedef for a PlatformConstructorList<T>::Constructor.

By looking at the definition of PlatformConstructorList class (below), Constructor is actually a pointer to a function that returns a T*.

14 template <class T>
15 struct PlatformConstructorList {
16     typedef T* (*Constructor)();
17     static const Constructor kConstructors[kPlatformCount];
18 };

Ok, so basically here is what we know this far:

  1. OzonePlatform::CreateInstance method calls OzonePlatform<bleh>::Create
  2. OzonePlatform<bleh>::Create picks up an index and retrieves a PlatformConstructorList<bleh>::Constructor (via kConstructor[index])
  3. PlatformConstructorList<bleh>::Constructor is a typedef to a function pointer that returns a bleh*.
  4. (..)
  5. This chain ends up calling Create{bleh}{ozone_platform}()

But wait! kConstructors, the array of pointers to functions – that solves the puzzle – is not defined anywhere in src/! 🙂

This is because its actual definition is part of some generated code triggered by specific GN/GYP hooks. They are:

  • generate_ozone_platform_list which generates out/../platform_list.cc,h,txt
  • generate_constructor_list which generates out/../constructor_list.cc though generate_constructor_list.py

In the end out/../generate_constructor_list.cc has the definition of kConstructors.

Again, in the specific case of the given GN build arguments, kConstructors would look like:

template <> const OzonePlatformConstructor
PlatformConstructorList<ui::OzonePlatform>::kConstructors[] = {

Logic wrap up

  • GYP/GN hooks are ran at build time, and generate plaform_list.{txt,c,h} as well as constructor_list.cc files respecting ozone_platform_bleh parameters.
    • constructor_list.cc has PlatformConstructorList<bleh>kConstructors actually populated.
  • ./content_shell –ozone-platform=bleh is called
  • OzonePlatform::InitializeFor{UI,Gpu}()
  • OzonePlatform::CreateInstance()
  • PlaformObject<OzonePlatformBleh>::Create()
  • PlatformConstructorList<bleh>::Constructor is retrieved – it is a pointer to a function stored in PlatformConstructorList<bleh>::kConstructor
  • function is ran and an OzonePlatformBleh instance is returned.

3 thoughts on “Understanding Chromium’s runtime ozone platform selection

  1. Are there any news about chromium on wayland? Frédéric Wang mentioned your recent work on chrome + mash, is there a public repository with your patches? I would definitely like to try chrome + egl on wayland on my platform.

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