Packages of the Fisterra project

The Fisterra project had before two branches:

  • The Fisterra 2 branch: fresh technology, with some generic modules, and some vertical implementations
  • The Fisterra 1 branch: old technology, with only one vertical implementation for vehicle repairs

The Fisterra 1 branch is going to disappear soon (by the end of the year). The only vertical implementation that is still using old technology, devoted to vehicle repairs business is being ported to Fisterra 2 technology. So soon we are going to stop talking about different technologies and Fisterra2 is going to be just Fisterra.

The current structure and names of the project is the following ones:

  • fisterra-base: new technology, stable version, all the common libraries an, framework technical features
  • fisterra-bmodules: new technology, beta version, allows code reusability, framework technical features
  • fisterra-distribution: new technology, stable version, POS functionality and soon warehouse functionality
  • fisterra-garage: old technology, stable version, ad hoc development for managing an automotive glass repair company
  • new fisterra-garage: new technology, under development


Suso Baleato has written a very nice article (in galician) about the urgent need of a “Migración” in the galician government to Free Software.

As he says: “Socialmente xusto, tecnolóxicamente sustentabel: o software libre é a única opción se queremos incrementar a competitividade económica ao tempo que a nosa viabilidade cultural.” (Socially fair, technologically sustainable: the Free Software is the only way if we want to increase our economic competitivity at the same time we increase our cultural viability).

We will see soon if the winds of change are real.

Fisterra: GNOME development framework for business software

If you need or want to develop business software, like Gnome technology and desktop, and don’t want to reinvent the wheel, you should have a look to this project developed by us at Igalia:

Fisterra logo

From the project webpage: Fisterra is an open source GNOME development framework. It is indicated for the implementation of whole business management applications, ad hoc ERPs or modules of other management systems.

The main features of the project can be found here.

All the code is under GPL license. In the webpage there is a lot of information on how to collaborate in the project.

SCIGen: the art of generating research articles

SCIgen is a program that generates random Computer Science research papers, including graphs, figures, and citations. It uses a hand-written context-free grammar to form all elements of the papers. Our aim here is to maximize amusement, rather
than coherence.”

Pretty impressive what they manage to do. One of the goals is to be able to find out conferences where they have very low submission standards. They even have some examples of articles submitted.

Let SCIGen improve your CV!

The Ututo-e project

When Stallman came to give a couple of talks in May, someone from the public asked him about which GNU/Linux distribution would recommend to the people in favor of Free Software, and he suggested Ututo-e, as the only one that was free (according to the FSF). I bet that 99% of the audience had never heard about such a project, mainly developed by people from Argentina. In the webpage, they say the distribution has between 150 and 200 thousand users.