
There’s a lot of time I don’t blog about Grilo. But it doesn’t mean we are not working on it! Here at Igalia we do, and we also get lot of contributions from community. All the announcements are sent to the Grilo mailing list.

During this week we have released a new version of Grilo, both for core (v0.2.6) and for the plugins (v0.2.7). You can see the announcements here and here. If you are interested in more detailed changelogs, you can see them here and here.

So what happens in this release?

  • As usual, lot of bugfixes.

  • Bastien added support for non-file URIs in Filesystem plugin. What this means? In Filesystem plugin you can configure the base path from which the source can show content. Thus, if you setup the base path as ~/Music, it means Filesystem will show only content placed in that directory. With the new approach, you could use as base-path something like recent://, getting the list of recently used items. Cool, uh?

  • My mate Sergio fixed the cache system in GrlNet. Seems we broke it at some point in the history, and we didn’t realize. We rely on libsoup and its caching feature, and Sergio is very skilled in libsoup. So who’s better than him to fix it?

  • We improved grl-inspect tool. Inspired in gst-inspect from GStreamer, this tool helps to list all the available sources in the system, and list all the supported features. Now, it can also list all the available metadata keys developer can use. Moreover, it also list which sources support each key.

  • We added support for i18n! Now we speak Brazilian, Czech, Galician, Greek, Polish, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish and Tajik. And we hope to support more languages in the coming releases. Many thanks to Rafael, Marek, Fran, Dimitris, Piotr, Мирослав, Martin, Miguel and Victor for their work on translating Grilo.

  • Marek Chalupa added support for GOA in the Flickr plugin. This means that if you have a Flickr account configured in GOA, you will get for free a Flickr source dealing with that account. Nice!

I think that’s all. If you use Grilo and needs help or support, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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Juan A. Suárez



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Uninteresting things from an uninteresting developer

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