Pandaboard - Chapter One
Finally, the last Friday the Pandaboard arrived to the office. Thanks to all the guy in TI who generously decided to give me one, specially to Jayabharath Goluguri and Rob Clark.

The next Saturday, Ryan Lortie and I came to the office to fool around with the new toy. Just one word: Impressive.
Ryan set up the Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat image for the Pandaboard. At the beginning we ran with a couple problems, but with the help of Ogra we solved them. First lesson learnt:
The SD for Maverick must be, at least, a 4Gb card, not less.
Second lesson learnt:
The USB is unable the power the Pandaboard. Thou shall power the board with a normal 5V power supply.
Also we found that my monitor, a LG Flatron W2261VP, is not well handled by the PVR X driver, but still it’s usable under 640x480. Ryan filed a bug about this issue.
It was great start up experience. The next stage is play with syslink and DOMX. Anyway, I won’t use Ubuntu for it, my plan is go with the minimal-fs stuff.
- Previous: grilo network library
- Next: btw