Jhbuild beneath OpenEmbedded
Since a while I’ve been working on a OpenEmbedded overlay called marmita. But this post is not about it. Where I want to aim now is about a nice trick: how to use Jhbuild using an OpenEmbedded setup.First of all, install jhbuild. And, of course, install Marmita.
In Marmita, just as in Poky, in order to get into the OE environment, the user source the script marmita-init-build-env.
Then, I setup another script, which is though to be the rcfile of a new bash session: marmita-simple-cross-compiling-env.
So, at this moment we have set all those environment variables needed to run a jhbuild session. There is also an alias for the jhbuild build, which specifies the jhbuildrc file, crafted for a cross-compiled environment: marmita.jhbuildrc.
For the moment I’ve only built GStreamer. And as a matter of fact, in the process, I came up with a simple patch for gst-plugins-bad.
By the way, the destination directory is in the /opt directory, under the stage directory; so, if you want to play with the generated output in a device, just copy that directory tree into the device’s file system.
Yes, I cannot say that I achieved a full integration between jhbuild and OE, but what I can state is that cooperation is quite possible.