Igalia week in WebKit: Fixes, gardening, resources API and MathML
It is time for another weekly report on what is going on WebKit and Igalia.Sergio reported and helped to debug different crashes in WebKit accessibility. He improved the robustness of build-webkit. Also, he fixed a bug in the defined network buffer size, simplified a bit the code that close the network connections, and fixed a bug in libsoup within a crash in webkit
And this week we have a new face too, at least in these reports: Adrián. He enabled the opus codec in the MIME type list. After that, he decided to give a try to a native compilation in armv5tel board. Crazy? A bit, but fun too.
Rego continues his hard work on enabling tests for WebKitGTK+, like testing the text direction setting, or unflag blocked tests that already pass, and many other that are still work in progress. Also, he got landed his patch for the bug found in the GtkLauncher.
Claudio, whilst he waits for the review of his API to retrieve a snapshot, he retook the Notifications API work for WebKitGTK+, particularly for WebKit2. Also, and just for sake of landing something, he fixed a couple of minor compilation glitches.
Philippe still kicking the fullscreen support in WebKit using GStreamer. And for relaxing purposes, he updated this patch for AudioSourceProvider.
Žan works tirelessly keeping the bots working as good as possible: disabling the build of wk2 on EWSs, meanwhile the wk2 storm appeases; cleaned building configuration options, removed deprecated methods for unit tests, enhanced the webkit-patch script and much more. Besides this needed work, he also started to hack on completing the WTFURL implementation for the WebCore’s KURL interface. WTFURL is pretty much what WebKit (as a project) would like to use in the future. WTFURL is based on the GoogleURL code (which is what the Chromium port is at the moment using as the backend of KURL).
The great WebKit hacker, Martin Robinson is exploring uncharted territory in the project: He’s trying to get away from port-specific things, by scratching in the core stuff, but the serendipity showed up, so he found some pretty serious port-specific bugs that have relatively straight-forward fixes.
Martin started to work on MathML and noticed that WebKit MathML support for the mathvariant attribute is unfinished. And this issue led him done to set of patches to overcome this situation, like fixing the freetype usage, or adding the logic to append UChar32 onto StringBuilder
In addition to all this work, Martin is working on a patch for mathvariant itself. The mathvariant attribute allows easily using the Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols in MathML without having to type out XML entities. For instance this:
<mi mathvariant="fraktur">HI GUYZ!</mi>
will be rendered like this:

Carlos García Campos cooked a patch for fixing the WebKit2 GTK+ API by implementing the resources API, removed recently, using injected bundle. This is another effort to bring back WebKit2 into WebKitGTK+.
Dape is still pushing the Qt/WebKit2 spellcheck support with a new iteration of the patch. He also worked on the removal of the GDK dependency from ImageDiff.
Finally, I finished a first iteration of my patch for pitch preservation, and also it got landed!