Igalia WebKit week: welcome Žan and Rego!
This a new weekly WebKit Igalia’s report. And the last week has been a shaky one.Let’s start with a warm welcome to Žan Doberšek as collaborator student, who is working hard in a lot of cool matters: gardening the bots, cleaning up the Coverity run output, modifying the WebCoreTestSupport to decrease the dependency WebKit2 API, digging in a stack size problem in JSC, and much more fun stuff.
Meanwhile Joanie, after a lot of restless hacking hours, could fix a crash in tables accessibility, and saving us from many other accessibility crashes. She is working to make the world safer for table users everywhere!
But we have more new faces around: Our dear colleague, Rego, is getting his feet wet, and he started finding and fixing new bugs and he is enabling more tests in the Gtk+ port.
Calvaris is following his efforts for enhancing the user experience with the media controls for HTML5. Here is a recent screenshot of these controls:
Claudio is pushing the accelerator pedal for the snapshot API in WebKit2. With this API the applications would retrieve a snapshot from a webview as in the Overview mode in Epiphany.

Philippe is working on the fullscreen video porting the GStreamerGWorld module to GStreamer 1.0, while he is still hacking on the AudioSourceProvider for WebAudio.
And the last but not the least, Dape is working real hard on the Qt spell-check support, and he also proposed solutions for Qt WebNotification support.
And that is all for now. See you!
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