Tuple prototype methods ☑️

It’s been a little while. But since my last post, Nicolò’s patches implementing records and tuples in SpiderMonkey landed, which means that I was able to submit my patches implementing the prototype methods for the Tuple type. That code is awaiting review.

Some initial review comments that I received focused on concerns about changing existing code that implements Arrays. Immutable and mutable sequences support a lot of the same operations, so it made sense to re-use existing Array code in SpiderMonkey rather than reinventing the wheel. Section 8.2.3 of the Records nad Tuples proposal lists the tuple prototype methods and, for many of them, specifies that the behavior should be the same as what’s already specified for the equivalent Array method.

In some cases, code reuse required changing existing code. Built-in JavaScript types can have their methods implemented in SpiderMonkey in two different ways: self-hosted (implemented in JavaScript as a library) or native (implemented inside the compiler, in C++). I implemented most of the tuple methods as self-hosted methods, which can easily call existing self-hosted methods for arrays. In some cases, I thought a native implementation would be more efficient: for example, for the toReversed() method, which returns a reversed copy of a given tuple. (Since tuples are immutable, it can’t reverse in-place.) There’s already an efficient C++ implementation of reverse for arrays, and because of how tuples are currently implemented in SpiderMonkey (using the NativeObject C++ type, which is the same underlying type that represents arrays and most other built-in types), making it work for tuples as well just required changing the method’s precondition, not the implementation. However, the maintainers were reluctant to allow any changes to the built-in array methods. I replaced that with a straightforward self-hosted implementation of toReversed(); it seems a shame to not take advantage of existing optimized code, but perhaps I was falling prey to premature optimization. We don’t have any performance benchmarks for code that uses tuples yet, and without profiling, it’s impossible to know what will actually be performance-critical.

While I await further review, I’ll be learning about WarpMonkey, the next tier of optimizing JIT in SpiderMonkey. The work I described in my previous posts was all about implementing records and tuples in the baseline compiler, and that work is finished (I’ll hold off on submitting it for review until after the prototype methods code has been accepted). I expect this to be where the real fun is!

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