Automatizing the Grid

My Igalia colleagues and me have extensively reviewed how to create grids and how to position items inside the grid using different CSS properties. So far everything was more or less static. We declare the sizes of our columns/rows or define a set of grid areas and that’s it. Well, actually there is room for automatic stuff, you can dynamically create new tracks just by adding items to positions outside the explicit grid....

May 10, 2016 · svillar

BlinkOn 3

Last week I attended BlinkOn3 held at Google’s Mountain View office. Not only that but I also had the pleasure of giving a speech about what has been taking most of my time lately, the CSS Grid Layout implementation. Although there were several talks already scheduled for some weeks, the conference itself is very dynamic in the sense that new talks were added as people started to propose new topics to discuss....

November 13, 2014 · svillar

I'm attending BlinkOn3

Today I’m giving a speech at BlinkOn3, the Blink contributors' conference held in Google’s Mountain View Office. Check the agenda for further details. The plan is to give an overview about the feature, present the most recent additions/improvements and also talk about the roadmap. My session is scheduled for 3:30PM at the Artic Ocean room. See you there! UPDATE: we had many issues trying to setup the hangout so in the end we decided to move the session to Wednesday morning....

November 4, 2014 · svillar

Grids everywhere!

Hi dear readers, it’s awesome to see people-really-excited (including our friends at Bloomberg) about CSS Grid Layout, specially after Rachel Andrew’s talk in CSSConf. I really believe CSS Grid Layout will be a revolution for web designers as it will help them to build amazing responsive web sites without having to add hacks all around. Me and my fellow Igalians keep working on adjusting the code to match the specification, polishing the code, adding new features and even drastically improving the performance of grid....

September 23, 2014 · svillar

Adventures in the Grid

Hi there, fellow readers. Today I’m starting a mini-series of posts to talk a little bit about the work I’ve been lately doing at Igalia around WebKit and Blink web engines. I’ve been involved in the implementation of a new standard called CSS Grid Layout in both engines. My mate rego has already talked about that, so take a look at his post if you need to know more about the basics....

March 31, 2014 · svillar