I want my GConf notifications

While hacking a little bit with GConf I found what IMHO is an undesirable behaviour of GConf. I think most of developers will agree because you don’t want your application to run in a different way than the one you expected when you designed it. And this happens in the following situation: I set up a GConfClient to listen to changes in keys under a specific directory. I wrote also a handler for this GConf notifications hoping that I’ll get every change in those keys (the API doc literally says “Any changes to keys below this directory will cause the “value_changed” signal to be emitted”)....

September 27, 2007 · svillar

Faster is better

This will be probably my first post at planet GNOME. I’d like to thank Jeff for giving me a place between all you guys. My name is Sergio Villar Senín. I’ve been using free software for 7 years, and I’m a free software developer since 2003 when I joined Igalia. I started there with project Fisterra, a free software framework for developing enterprise applications. I’ve been (and I am) involved also in some projects related to Maemo technologies....

July 20, 2007 · svillar

They're coming, don't let them go

Today it’s a great day for Igalia, for tinymail and for the free software in the whole. Today an Igalian made a commit to the tinymail repository, this commit wouldn’t be so important if it weren’t done by a girl. Her name is Antia Puentes and after drawing several awesome class diagrams (see here and here) with all the main interfaces of tinymail, she sent today her first patch to the source code....

June 12, 2007 · svillar

Dancing with mailboxes

These last two days I have been playing a lot with mailbox moving/copying. There were some unimplemented features in tinymail that I needed so I had to do them. Basically the list of changes I made are Improved the folder changes notification when the mailboxes are transferred Fixed a bug in the tree model that stores mailboxes when deleting a mailbox Fixed an issue in the connection process Added some error handling to the folder loading process And the one that Phillip likes more :-), added a functional test to check mail folder transfers A lot of work, I sweat, but very useful I believe....

March 16, 2007 · svillar

Drag and drop with sorted tree models (2)

After the previous post, I improved a little bit the drag and drop example. This time, I added another three view at the right. Now you can drag a row in the right tree view to a node of the left tree view. Another improvements is the support of multiple actions, I mean, the drag & drop can now move a row (as in the first version) or copy it (just press the Control key before dropping a row)....

February 8, 2007 · svillar

Drag and drop with sorted tree models

I’ve recently been adding drag and drop support to a widget that is basically a GtkTreeView with an associated GtkTreeModelSort. The gtk+ drag and drop API is weird, there are just few samples and is not very well documented. Furthermore, the GtkTreeView has its own drag and drop functions so my mind was a mess.Then after some study I finally got an idea about all this stuff and decided to code a sample where to test the things I learned....

February 7, 2007 · svillar

Not so tiny ChangeLog

A few days ago Philip wrote the following in the tinymail mailing list in response to a patch that I sent to the list: Yep, let’s go for this. Commit please :) Don’t forget our poor little ChangeLog file I thought, OK Philip it could be poor, but little? Then I decided to take a deeper look to our lovely ChangeLog file and I extracted some figures. First of all the number of entries is 153, really impressive if you realize that the first commit was made on 2006-01-17, just one year ago....

January 28, 2007 · svillar

Turn a GtkMenuBar into a GtkMenu

Again, a lot of time since my last post. If you’re interested, yes I’m still happy and I’m still contributing to tinymail. My contributions decreased a little bit these last weeks because I had other priorities but I’ll try to keep them going. This afternoon I was trying to use the nice GtkUIManager stuff inside a Hildon application but when trying to add a new menu described in the UI XML definition file to the HildonWindow I realized that I had a problem....

January 19, 2007 · svillar

Not so tiny(mail)

Hi, it’s a long time since my last post and the most important thing I want to say is that I’m happy :-). Yes it’s a very strong word but I’m currently carrying on a project that makes me really happy. This project, you’ll hear about this in the near future, uses the tinymail development framework maintained by a really kind and enthusiastic guy, Philip Van Hoof. The title says not so tiny because the framework is getting bigger and better....

November 22, 2006 · svillar

Ekiga builds 😀

Yes, it’s true. First time in my life. Look at this output: test -z "/var/opt/gnome/share/pixmaps" || mkdir -p -- "/var/opt/gnome/share/pixmaps" /home/local/bin/install-check -m 644 'pixmaps/ekiga.png' '/var/opt/gnome/share/pixmaps/ekiga.png' test -z "/var/opt/gnome/etc/gconf/schemas" || mkdir -p -- "/var/opt/gnome/etc/gconf/schemas" /home/local/bin/install-check -m 644 'ekiga.schemas' '/var/opt/gnome/etc/gconf/schemas/ekiga.schemas' test -z "" || mkdir -p -- "" make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/devel/local/gnome/src/ekiga' make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/devel/local/gnome/src/ekiga' *** Unpacking poppler *** [43/57] I think I’d be something like a hero inside Igalia :-).

October 20, 2006 · svillar