I have a degree in computer science and I work at Igalia since June 2002 (I am owner since 2004). I am a free software advocate and along my professional career I have performed roles as programmer, business analyst, project manager and product manager, always in open source projects and technologies. Currently I am the product manager of LibrePlan, since the project start on 2009.
I really like to manage teams and projects, not only applying tecnhical skills but also understanding people and taking into account human factors to make projects succed. This is where my another great passion, psychology, helps. Actually, currently I am doing 3rd year of Psychology at UNED.
In this blog I have the purpose to link project management, psychology and open source and I want to write about it. To manage a project with free software is possible, with tools as LibrePlan, and I hope to share opinions that can persuade you in some way 😉