Explaining LibrePlan technically at A Coruña University

On Friday, November the 2nd, I have been invited to teach a workshop about LibrePlan covering all the aspects of the project that are interesting for future professionals in computer science.

Specifically, the session is organized by Juan José Sánchez Penas as part of the subject Deseño de Sistemas de Información (System Information Design) which belongs to the master Mestrado de Enxeñería Informática (Master in Computer Science Engineering).

The table of contents for the workshop will be the next one:

  1. A LibrePlan introduction. I will start explaining briefly the type of application which is LibrePlan, its mains features and strong points.
  2. A description of the LibrePlan architecture. I will explain the main architectural patterns used in the application, how they work and their rationale.
  3. A route through all quality attributes used in the project.  It will include a review of the different tests programmed for LibrePlan, the continuous integration practices set up in the project and the use of Sonar as quality platform to monitor the status of the project.
  4. How the project is organized. Finally, I will review all the tools and procedures used by the LibrePlan team members to evolve and take care of the project and its community.

For the occasion I wrote some slides that I think that can useful for other people wanting to know more about the topics mentioned above. They are publicly available at SlideShare:


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