My name is Jacobo. I’m an Igalian since 2007, and proud partner of the company since 2011. I started as a developer of server-side web solutions before transitioning into native application development with one foot into embedded systems.
This is a non-extensive list of projects I have taken part during my professional life.
The Chromium project is the open-source foundation for the well-known Chrome browser. I’m involved in projects related to Chromium on embedded platforms, and contributed to software accessibility in upstream Chromium. Read posts about Chromium.
LibreOffice is the reference open source software office suite. I’ve worked on areas related to document support, accessibility and Android prototypes. Read posts about LibreOffice.
I’ve collaborated as a speaker in the Galician edition of the Master in Free Software organized by Igalia and Rey Juan Carlos University, and the Master in Computer Science Engineering (Mestrado de Enxeñería Informática) in the University of A Coruña.
Previously in my life
KiCad is an EDA software suite for the creation of professional schematics and printed circuit boards. I was a contributor to this software for some time around late 2012 and the beginning of 2013. Read posts about KiCad.
LibrePlan is a collaborative tool to plan, monitor and control projects and has a rich web interface which provides a desktop alike user experience. I was one of the core members of the development team for several years, starting in 2009. Read posts about LibrePlan.
PhpReport is a web application for time tracking, which provides useful statistics about users, projects, and more. I started working on this tool in 2008 and became its main developer and maintainer for over a decade. Read posts about PhpReport.