Some time ago I started a series of blog posts about IPv6 and network namespaces. The purpose of those posts was preparing the ground for covering a network function called B4 (Basic Bridging BroadBand).
The B4 network function is one of the main components of a lw4o6 architecture (RFC7596). The function runs within every CPEs (Customer’s Premises Equipment, essentially a home router) of a carrier’s network. This function takes care of two things: 1) NAPT the customer’s IPv4 traffic and 2) encapsulate it into IPv6. This is fundamental as lw4o6 proposes an IPv6-only network, which can still provide IPv4 services and connectivity. Besides lw4o6, the B4 function is also present in other architectures such as DS-Lite or MAP-E. In the case of lw4o6 the exact name of this function is lwB4. All these architectures rely on A+P mapping techniques and are managed by the Softwire WG.
The diagram below shows how a lw4o6 architecture works:

Packets arriving the CPE from the customer (IPv4) are shown in red. Packets leaving the CPE to the carrier’s network are shown in blue (IPv6). The counterpart of a lwB4 function is the lwAFTR function, deployed at one of the border-routers of the carrrier’s network.
In the article ‘Dive into lw4o6’ I reviewed in detail how a lw4o6 architecture works. Please check out the article if you want to learn more.
At Igalia we implemented a high-performant lwAFTR network function. This network function has been part of Snabb since at least 2015, and has kept evolving and getting merged back to Snabb through new releases. We kindly thank Deutsche Telekom for their support financing this project, as well as Juniper networks, who also helped improving the status of Snabb’s lwAFTR.
While we were developing the lwAFTR network function we heavily tested it through a wide range of tests: end-to-end tests, performance tests, soak tests, etc. However, in some occassions we got to diagnose potential bugs in real deployments. To do that, we needed the other major component of a lw4o6 architecture: the B4 network function.
OpenWRT, the Linux-based OS powering many home routers, features a MAP network function to help deploying MAP-E architectures. This function can also be used to implement a B4 for DS-Lite or lw4o6. With the invaluable help of my colleagues Adrián and Carlos López I managed to setup an OpenWRT on a virtual machine with B4 enabled. However, I was not completely satisfied with the solution.
That led me to explore another solution very much inspired by an excelent blog post from Marcel Wiget: Lightweight 4over6 B4 Client in Linux Namespace. In this post Marcel describes how to build a B4 network function using standard Linux commands.
Basically, a B4 function does 2 things:
- NAT44, which is possible to do it with
. - IPv4-in-IPv6 tunneling, which is possible to do it
In addition, Marcel’s B4 network function is isolated into its own network namespace. That’s less of a headache than installing and configuring a virtual machine.
On the other hand, my deployment had a extra twist compared to a standard lw4o6 deployment. The lwAFTR I was trying to reach was somewhere out on the Internet, not within my ISP’s network. To make things worse, ISP providers in Spain are not rolling out IPv6 yet so I needed to use an IPv6 tunnel broker, more precisely Hurricane Electric (In the article ‘IPv6 tunnel’ I described how to set up such tunnel).
Basically my deployment looked like this:

After scratching my head during several days I came up with the following script: I break it down below in pieces for better comprehension.
Warning: The script requires a Hurricane Electric tunnel up and running in order to work.
Our B4 would have the following provisioned data:
- B4 IPv6: IPv6 address provided by Hurricane Electric.
- B4 IPv4:
- B4 port-range:
While the address of the AFTR is 2001:DB8::0001
Given this settings our B4 is ready to match the following softwire in the lwAFTR’s binding table:
softwire {
psid 1;
b4-ipv6 IFHE (See below);
br-address 2001:DB8::0001;
port-set {
psid-length 12;
In case of doubt about how softwires work, please check ‘Dive into lw4o6’.
Definition of several constants. IPHT
and IPNS
stand for IP host and IP namespace. Our script will create a network namespace which requires a veth pair to communicate the namespace with the host. IPHT
is an ULA address for the host side, while IPNS is an ULA address for the network namespace side. Likewise, IFHT
and IFNS
are the interface names for host and namespace sides respectively.
is the interface of the Hurricane Electric IPv6-in-IPv4 tunnel. We will use the IPv6 address of this interface as IPv6 source address of the B4.
Softwire related constants, as described above.
# Reset everything
ip li del dev "${IFHT}" &>/dev/null
ip netns del "${NS}" &> /dev/null
Removes namespace and host-side interface if defined.
# Create a network namespace and enable loopback on it
ip netns add "${NS}"
ip netns exec "${NS}" ip li set dev lo up
# Create the veth pair and move one of the ends to the NS.
ip li add name "${IFHT}" type veth peer name "${IFNS}"
ip li set dev "${IFNS}" netns "${NS}"
# Configure interface ${IFHT} on the host
ip -6 addr add "${IPHT}/${CID}" dev "${IFHT}"
ip li set dev "${IFHT}" up
# Configure interface ${IFNS} on the network namespace.
ip netns exec "${NS}" ip -6 addr add "${IPNS}/${CID}" dev "${IFNS}"
ip netns exec "${NS}" ip li set dev "${IFNS}" up
The commands above set up the basics of the network namespace. A network namespace is created with two virtual-interface pairs (think of a patch cable). Each of the veth ends is assigned a private IPv6 address (ULA). One of the ends of the veth pair is moved into the network namespace while the other remains on the host side. In case of doubt, please check this other article I wrote about network namespaces.
# Create IPv4-in-IPv6 tunnel.
ip netns exec "${NS}" ip -6 tunnel add b4tun mode ipip6 local "${IPNS}" remote "${IPHT}" dev "${IFNS}"
ip netns exec "${NS}" ip addr add dev b4tun
ip netns exec "${NS}" ip link set dev b4tun up
# All IPv4 packets go through the tunnel.
ip netns exec "${NS}" ip route add default dev b4tun
# Make ${IFNS} the default gw.
ip netns exec "${NS}" ip -6 route add default dev "${IFNS}"
From the B4 we will send IPv4 packets that will get encapsulated into IPv6. These packets will eventually leave the host via the Hurricane Electric tunnel. What we do here is to create an IPv4-in-IPv6 tunnel (ipip6) called b4tun
. The tunnel has two ends: IPNS
and IPHT
. All IPv4 traffic started from the network namespace gets routed through b4tun
, so it gets encapsulated. If the traffic if IPv6 native traffic it doesn’t need to get encapsulated, thus it’s simply forwarded to IFNS
# Adjust MTU size.
ip netns exec "${NS}" ip li set mtu 1252 dev b4tun
ip netns exec "${NS}" ip li set mtu 1300 dev vpeer9
Since packets leaving the CPE get IPv6 encapsulated we need to make room for those extra bytes that will grow the packet size. Normally routing appliances have a default MTU size of 1500 bytes. That’s why we artificially reduce the MTU size of both b4tun
and vpeer9
interfaces to a number lower than 1500. This technique is known as MSS (Maximum Segment Size) Clamping.
# NAT44.
ip netns exec "${NS}" iptables -t nat --flush
ip netns exec "${NS}" iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -o b4tun -j SNAT --to $IP:$PORTRANGE
ip netns exec "${NS}" iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p udp -o b4tun -j SNAT --to $IP:$PORTRANGE
ip netns exec "${NS}" iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p icmp -o b4tun -j SNAT --to $IP:$PORTRANGE
Outgoing IPv4 packets leaving the B4 got their IPv4 source address and port sourced natted. The block of code above flushes the iptables’s NAT44 rules and creates new Source NAT rules for several protocols.
# Enable forwarding and IPv6 NAT
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
ip6tables -t nat --flush
# Packets coming into the veth pair in the host side, change their destination address to AFTR.
ip6tables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i "${IFHT}" -j DNAT --to-destination "${AFTR_IPV6}"
# Outgoing packets change their source address to HE Client address (B4 address).
ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o "${IFHE}" -j MASQUERADE
Outgoing packets leaving our host need to get their source address masqueraded to the IPv6 address assigned to the interface of the Hurricane Electric tunnel point. Likewise anything that comes into the host should seem to arrive from the lwAFTR, when actually its origin address is the IPv6 address of the other end of the Hurricane Electric tunnel. To overcome this problem I applied a NAT66 on source address and destination. Could this be done in a different way skipping the controversial NAT66? I’m not sure. I think the veth pairs need to get assigned private addresses so the only way to get the packets routed through the Internet is with a NAT66.
# Get into NS.
ip netns exec ${NS} ${bash} --rcfile <(echo "PS1=\"${NS}> \"")
The last step gets us into the network namespace from which we will be able to run commands constrained into the environment created during the steps before.
I don’t know how much useful or reusable this script can be, but in hindsight coming up with this complex setting helped me learning several Linux networking tools. I think I could have never figured all this out without the help and support from my colleagues as well as the guidance from Marcel’s original script and blog post.
Please drop me a line if you have any feedback. Thanks!