In October, many colleagues from Igalia participated in a TC39 meeting organized in Tokyo, Japan by Sony Interactive Entertainment to discuss proposed features for the JavaScript standard alongside delegates from various other organizations.
Let's delve together into some of the most exciting updates!
Import attributes, (alongside JSON modules) reached Stage 4. Import attributes allow customizing how modules are imported. For example, in all JavaScript environments you'll be able to natively import JSON files using
import myData from"./data"with{type:"json"};
The proposals reached finally reached Stage 4, after a bumpy path - including being regressed from Stage 3 to Stage 2 in 2023 and needing to change their syntax.
The proposals are already supported in Chrome, Safari, and all the server-side runtimes, with Firefox soon to follow!
Although we didn't work directly on the Iterator Helpers proposal, we've been eagerly anticipating its completion. It elevates Javascript's standard library iterators up to a level of developer convenience that's comparable to Python's itertools module or the iterators in Rust. Here's a code snippet:
const result = Iterator.from(myArray) .filter(myPredicate) .take(50) .map(myTransformFunc) .reduce(mySummationFunc);
It's often convenient to think of processing code such as the above in terms of map and filter operations. But often you'd have to iterate through the array multiple times if you wrote it that way using Array's map and filter methods, which is inefficient. Conversely, if you wrote it with a for-of loop, you'd be using break, continue, and possibly state-tracking variables, which is harder to reason about. Iterator helpers give you the best of both worlds.
ECMA-402 is the Internationalization API specification, the companion standard to JavaScript's ECMA-262. Our colleagues Ben Allen and Ujjwal Sharma are on the editorial board of ECMA-402 and their responsibilities often include proposing small changes. This round, we received consensus for PRs that:
Fix a bug that caused date and time values to sometimes be rendered in the wrong numbering system for some locales.
Correctly format currency values when rendered in scientific/engineering notations.
Give an explicit ordering for the plural categories returned by Intl.PluralNames.resolvedOptions(). This allows for easier testing of the correctness of this method, and makes it easier for developers to discover what plural categories exist in which languages.
Allow use of non-ISO 4217 data in CurrencyDigits AO
This is a small change, but one that makes the ECMA-402 specification more closely match both extant localization needs and also web reality. Previously the specification mandated the use of a standard for determining the number of "minor units" displayed when formatting currency values -- think here the number of digits used to display cents when formatting values such as 1.25 USD. The previously mandated data source is useful for some contexts, but not others. This PR allows implementors to use whichever source of data on currency minor units is best suited for that engine -- something that implementators had already been doing.
TG4, a task group created one year ago within TC39, has been diligently working to standardize and enhance the source maps functionality, with the goal of ensuring a good and consistent developer experience across multiple platforms.
Thanks also to the efforts by our colleagues Nicolò Ribaudo and Asumu Takikawa, TC39 approved the first draft of the new specification (, which can now advance through the Ecma publishing process to become an official standard.
JavaScript keeps evolving and adding many new features over time: this can significantly help JavaScript developers, but it comes with its own problems. Every new feature is something that browsers need to implement and optimize, and which might cause bugs and slowdowns.
Some committee members (mostly representing browsers), initiated a discussion about whether there are possible alternative approaches to evolving the language. The primary example that was presented as a potential path forward is to leverage existing deveoper tools more extensively: many developers already transpile their code, so what if we made it "official"?
We could split the language in two parts, that together compose the ECMAScript standard:
one (JS0) would be the current language that is implemented in browsers, which is what we call today "JavaScript"
the other (JSSugar), only implemented in tools, similar to how today we use JSX or type annotations.
The discussion is in its very early stages, and the direction it will take is uncertain. It could evolve in many ways and it's possible that TC39 could ultimately decide that actually, the way things work today is fine. There are many voices pushing in opposite directions, and everything is still on the table. Stay tuned for more developments!
Our colleague Jesse Alama presented Decimal, showing the latest iterations on the design and data model for decimal in response to feedback in and between plenaries. The most recent version proposed an "auto-canonicalize" variant of IEEE 754 Decimal128, in which the notion of precision (or "quantum", to use the official term) of Decimal128 values would not be exposed. We received some feedback there, so decimal stays at stage 1. But stay tuned! We're going back to the drawing board and will keep iterating.
Promise.try() is a new API that allows you to wrap a function--whether async or not--allowing it to be treated it as though it is always asynchronous. It replaces cumbersome workarounds like new Promise((resolve) => resolve(myFunction())). We didn't work on this proposal, but are nonetheless looking forward to using it!
// also true, even if we didn't redefine .map to return a MyUint8Array> x)instanceofUint8Array;
It often leads to vulnerabilities in JavaScript engines, and leads to many hard-to-optimize patterns that make everybody pay the cost of this language feature, even for those who don't rely on it.
After features have been shipped for years it's usually too late for TC39 to change them: our highest priority is to "not break the web", meaning that once developers start relying on something it's going to stay there forever.
The discussion focused on whether or not the use cases appeared real, conclusion was that they are for Array and Promise, but we can move forward with the conservative step of removing making only prototype methods of typed arays, Array Buffer, and Shared Array Buffer not look at their this to dynamically construct the corresponding class. The commitee will investigate further, the use cases for RegExp.
We're very excited to announce that our colleague Ben Allen presented the Measure proposal, and it has reached Stage 1. Measure proposes an API for handling general-purpose unit conversion between measurement scales and measurement systems. Measure was originally part of the localization-related Smart Units proposal, but was promoted into its own proposal in response to demand for this tool in a wide range of contexts.
Smart Units is a proposal to include an API for localizing measured quantities to locale-appropriate scales and measuring systems. This can be complicated by how the appropriate measuring scale for some usages varies based on the type of thing being measured; for example, many locales use a different measurement scale for the heights of people than they do for other length measurements.
Although much of the action involved in developing this proposal has shifted to the related Measure proposal, in this session we considered what units and usages should be supported.
Our colleague Philip Chimento presented a short update on the progress of getting Temporal into browsers. Here's the representing the test262 conformance as of last plenary!
Good news from the AsyncContext champions, including our colleague Andreu Botella: the proposal is almost ready for Stage 2.7! All the semantics relevant to ECMAScript have been finalized, and it's now just waiting on finalizing the integration semantics with the rest of the web APIs.