This will be probably my first post at planet GNOME. I’d like to thank Jeff for giving me a place between all you guys.

My name is Sergio Villar Senín. I’ve been using free software for 7 years, and I’m a free software developer since 2003 when I joined Igalia. I started there with project Fisterra, a free software framework for developing enterprise applications.

I’ve been (and I am) involved also in some projects related to Maemo technologies. Recently I’ve been contributing to the great tinymail framework started by Philip.

Now that the GUADEC is (almost) over I’d like to say that the keynotes are amazing but, what I really enjoyed this year, were the lightning talks. They were all very interesting, all the speakers did a great job, and the rhythm was really frenetic. Furthermore, the lightning talks have a great advantage, if you don’t like one of them, don’t worry, you’ll get the next one in a couple of minutes :-). I’d really like to see a lightning session each day in the next GUADEC.

Update: does anybody know why I get this awful footer to my post? It does not happen for example here.