Reporting in buildbot, and some fixes in Fisterra
JHBuild Buildbot scripts reporting #
This week I’ve been adding some new features to my JHBuild Buildbot scripts, in order to get better reporting and information for projects:
- Implemented a custom Sources changes fetcher for the gnome-cvs-commits mailing list. This code fetchs the mails from a Maildir, and assigns them to the projects, filling the changes column. Now it only matches the projects with the same name of a jhbuild module, but it should be extended.
- Now you can set a list of email addresses to get the build status, using the buildbot MailNotifier. You can also set an IRC bot for each project (establishing an IRC server, channel and nick), using the buildbot IRC object). It’s too much simple, and I like more the IRC bot Thomas is using for gstreamer.
Fisterra and JHBuild #
In order to get a smaller testing platform for my jhbuild buildbot scripts, I’ve decided to target on Fisterra project. To do this, I had to work a bit on it in order to make it easy to compile in a JHBuild environment:
- Fixed a lot of warnings compiling fisterra in gcc4. Now gcc4 is more strict on compatibility between signed and unsigned types. Then, I had to add a lot of type castings (mainly due to libxml2 and libgnomeprint).
- Improved the code generator scripts, and removed specific prefix dependencies.
And yes, now I can run Fisterra in a JHBuild environment. The work has been uploaded to the CVS (bonsai of fisterra-jhbuild). I’ve uploaded instructions in Fisterra CVS web. The available modules from the scripts are:
- fisterra-base: the main library, including a Postgres/libgda based persistence layer, a client-server Orbit based communication system, a powerful listing system, and a Gtk-based client library.
- fisterra-bmodules: implementation of some business objects (actors, documents, tax, payments, …) in fisterra framework, both server objects and client widgets.
- fisterra-distribution: a Point-of-shell app built on top of fisterra-base and fisterra-bmodules.
- fisterra-repair: an app to manage car repairing garage companies, also built on top of fisterra-base and fisterra-bmodules.